Building tools for real-time detection of BGP hijacks and interceptions.
We determine the extent to which both published and unpublished relays, specifically bridges, are blocked by the GFW.
The Information Controls Lab (ICLab) is a research platform to enable researchers to study a broad class of online information controls (e.g., traffic differentiation, censorship, and content modification).
A mobile measurement platform that analyzes your mobile traffic and helps you to identify privacy leakes inflicted by your apps and the organizations collecting this information.
PathCache bootstraps from publicly available measurement data to predict paths between arbitrary source and destination Autonomous Systems on the Internet.
Designing an AS aware client immune to active and passive attacks from network-level adversaries.
Quantifying path churn on the Internet for AS paths derived from control plane and data plane. Employing this churn to localise network events such as censorship and packet loss.
Relating characteristics of Internet topologies of countries with their Internet freedom.